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时间:2022-04-02 10:36 作者:admin

本文实例讲述了python/' target='_blank'>python实现爬取亚马逊数据并打印出Excel文件操作。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:


#!/usr/bin/env python3# encoding=UTF-8import sysimport reimport urllib.requestimport jsonimport timeimport zlibfrom html import unescapeimport threadingimport osimport xlwtimport mathimport requests#例如这里设置递归为一百万sys.setrecursionlimit(1000000000)##获取所有列别def getProUrl():  urlList = []  headers = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36"}  session = requests.Session()  furl="{creative}&ref=pz_ic_22fvxh4dwf_e&page="  for i in range(0,1):    html=""    html =,headers = headers)    html.encoding = 'utf-8'    s=html.text.encode('gb2312','ignore').decode('gb2312')    url=r'</li><li id=".*?" data-asin="(.+?)" class="s-result-item celwidget">'    reg=re.compile(url,re.M)    name='"category" : "' + '(.*?)' + '"'    reg1=re.compile(name,re.S)    urlList = reg1.findall(html.text)    return urlList##根据类别获取数据链接def getUrlData(ci):   url=""+ci+"&page=1&sort=review-rank"   return url##定时任务,等待1秒在进行def fun_timer():  time.sleep(3)##根据链接进行查询每个类别的网页内容def getProData(allUrlList):  webContentHtmlList = []  headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36"}  for ci in allUrlList:    session = requests.Session()    fun_timer()    html = session.get(getUrlData(ci),headers = headers)    # 设置编码    html.encoding = 'utf-8'    html.text.encode('gb2312', 'ignore').decode('gb2312')    gxg = r'</li><li id=".*?" data-asin="(.+?)" class="s-result-item celwidget">'    reg = re.compile(gxg, re.M)    items = reg.findall(html.text)    print(html.text)    webContentHtmlList.append(html.text)  return webContentHtmlList##根据网页内容过滤需要的属性和值def getProValue():  list1 = [] * 5  list2 = [] * 5  list3 = [] * 5  list4 = [] * 5  list5 = [] * 5  list6 = [] * 5  list7 = [] * 5  list8 = [] * 5  urlList = getProUrl();  urlList.remove('全部分类')  urlList.remove('Prime会员优先购')  index = 0  for head in urlList:    if index >= 0 and index < 5:      list1.append(head)      index = index + 1    if index >= 5 and index < 10:      list2.append(head)      index = index + 1    if index >= 10 and index < 15:      list3.append(head)      index = index + 1    if index >= 15 and index < 20:      list4.append(head)      index = index + 1    if index >= 20 and index < 25:      list5.append(head)      index = index + 1    if index >= 25 and index < 30:      list6.append(head)      index = index + 1    if index >= 30 and index < 35:      list7.append(head)      index = index + 1    if index >= 35 and index < 40:      list8.append(head)      index = index + 1  webContentHtmlList1 = []  webContentHtmlList1 = getProData(list1)  webContentHtmlList2 = []  webContentHtmlList2 = getProData(list2)  webContentHtmlList3 = []  webContentHtmlList3 = getProData(list3)  webContentHtmlList4 = []  webContentHtmlList4 = getProData(list4)  webContentHtmlList5 = []  webContentHtmlList5 = getProData(list5)  webContentHtmlList6 = []  webContentHtmlList6 = getProData(list6)  webContentHtmlList7 = []  webContentHtmlList7 = getProData(list7)  webContentHtmlList8 = []  webContentHtmlList8 = getProData(list8)  ##存储所有数据的集合  dataTwoAllList1 = []  print("开始检索数据,检索数据中..........")  ##网页内容1  for html in webContentHtmlList1:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  ##网页内容2  for html in webContentHtmlList2:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  ##网页内容3  for html in webContentHtmlList3:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  ##网页内容4  for html in webContentHtmlList4:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  ##网页内容5  for html in webContentHtmlList5:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  ##网页内容6  for html in webContentHtmlList6:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  ##网页内容7  for html in webContentHtmlList7:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  ##网页内容8  for html in webContentHtmlList8:    for i in range(15):      dataList = []      dataList.append(unescape(getProCategory(html,i)))      dataList.append(unescape(getProTitle(html,i)))      dataList.append(getProPrice(html,i))      dataList.append(getSellerCount(html,i))      dataList.append(getProStar(html,i))      dataList.append(getProCommentCount(html,i))      print(dataList)      dataTwoAllList1.append(dataList)  print("检索数据完成!!!!")  print("开始保存并打印Excel文档数据!!!!")  ##保存文档  createTable(time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '亚马逊销量数据统计.xls', dataTwoAllList1)##抽取类别def getProCategory(html,i):    i = 0;    name = '<span class="a-color-state a-text-bold">' + '(.*?)' + '</span>'    reg=re.compile(name,re.S)    items = reg.findall(html)    if len(items)==0:      return ""    else:      if i<len(items):        return items[i]      else:        return ""##抽取标题def getProTitle(html,i):  html = getHtmlById(html,i)  name = '<a class="a-link-normal s-access-detail-page s-color-twister-title-link a-text-normal" target="_blank" title="' + '(.*?)' + '"'  reg=re.compile(name,re.S)  items = reg.findall(html)  if len(items)==0:    return ""  else:    return items[0]##抽取价格<a class="a-link-normal s-access-detail-page s-color-twister-title-link a-text-normal" target="_blank" title="def getProPrice(html,i):  html = getHtmlById(html,i)  name = '<span class="a-size-base a-color-price s-price a-text-bold">' + '(.*?)' + '</span>'  reg=re.compile(name,re.S)  items = reg.findall(html)  if len(items)==0:    return "¥0"  else:    return items[0]##抽取卖家统计def getSellerCount(html,i):  html = getHtmlById(html,i)  name = '<span class="a-color-secondary">' + '(.*?)' + '</span>'  reg=re.compile(name,re.S)  items = reg.findall(html)  if len(items)==0:    return "(0 卖家)"  else:    return checkSellerCount(items,0)##检查卖家统计def checkSellerCount(items,i):  result = items[i].find('卖家') >= 0  if result:    if len(items[i])<=9:      return items[i]    else:      return '(0 卖家)'  else:    if i + 1 < len(items):      i = i + 1      result = items[i].find('卖家') >= 0      if result:        if len(items[i]) <= 9:          return items[i]        else:          return '(0 卖家)'        if i + 1 < len(items[i]):          i = i + 1          result = items[i].find('卖家') >= 0          if result:            if len(items[i]) <= 9:              return items[i]            else:              return '(0 卖家)'          else:            return '(0 卖家)'        else:          return '(0 卖家)'      else:        return '(0 卖家)'    else:      return '(0 卖家)'    return '(0 卖家)'##抽取星级 <span class="a-icon-alt">def getProStar(html,i):  html = getHtmlById(html,i)  name = '<span class="a-icon-alt">' + '(.*?)' + '</span>'  reg=re.compile(name,re.S)  items = reg.findall(html)  if len(items)==0:    return "平均 0 星"  else:    return checkProStar(items,0)##检查星级def checkProStar(items,i):  result = items[i].find('星') >= 0  if result:      return items[i]  else:    if i + 1 < len(items):      i = i + 1      result = items[i].find('星') >= 0      if result:        return items[i]      else:        return '平均 0 星'    else:      return '平均 0 星'    return '平均 0 星'##抽取商品评论数量 销量##<a class="a-size-small a-link-normal a-text-normal" target="_blank" href="" rel="external nofollow" >56</a>def getProCommentCount(html,i):  name = '<a class="a-size-small a-link-normal a-text-normal" target="_blank" href=".*?#customerReviews" rel="external nofollow" ' + '(.*?)' + '</a>'  reg=re.compile(name,re.S)  items = reg.findall(html)  if len(items)==0:    return "0"  else:    if i<len(items):      return items[i].strip(">")    else:      return "0"##根据id取出html里面的内容def get_id_tag(content, id_name): id_name = id_name.strip() patt_id_tag = """<[^>]*id=['"]?""" + id_name + """['" ][^>]*>""" id_tag = re.findall(patt_id_tag, content, re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE) if id_tag:   id_tag = id_tag[0] else:   id_tag="" return id_tag##缩小范围 定位值def getHtmlById(html,i):    start = get_id_tag(html,"result_"+str(i))    i=i+1    end = get_id_tag(html, "result_" + str(i))    name = start + '.*?'+end    reg = re.compile(name, re.S)    html = html.strip()    items = reg.findall(html)    if len(items) == 0:      return ""    else:      return items[0]##生成word文档def createTable(tableName,dataTwoAllList):  flag = 1  results = []  results.append("类别,标题,价格,卖家统计,星级,评论数")  columnName = results[0].split(',')  # 创建一个excel工作簿,编码utf-8,表格中支持中文  wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')  # 创建一个sheet  sheet = wb.add_sheet('sheet 1')  # 获取行数  rows = math.ceil(len(dataTwoAllList))  # 获取列数  columns = len(columnName)  # 创建格式style  style = xlwt.XFStyle()  # 创建font,设置字体  font = xlwt.Font()  # 字体格式 = 'Times New Roman'  # 将字体font,应用到格式style  style.font = font  # 创建alignment,居中  alignment = xlwt.Alignment()  # 居中  alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER  # 应用到格式style  style.alignment = alignment  style1 = xlwt.XFStyle()  font1 = xlwt.Font() = 'Times New Roman'  # 字体颜色(绿色)  # font1.colour_index = 3  # 字体加粗  font1.bold = True  style1.font = font1  style1.alignment = alignment  for i in range(columns):    # 设置列的宽度    sheet.col(i).width = 5000  # 插入列名  for i in range(columns):    sheet.write(0, i, columnName[i], style1)  for i in range(1,rows):    for j in range(0,columns):      sheet.write(i, j, dataTwoAllList[i-1][j], style)入口开始input("按回车键开始导出..........")fun_timer()print("三秒后开始抓取数据.......,请等待!")getProValue();print("数据导出成功!请注意查看!")print("数据文档《亚马逊销量数据统计.xls》已经存于C盘下面的C:\Windows\SysWOW64的该路径下面!!!!")input()





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